Dey Macha



Khamis, Jun 17, 2010

Pelakon Lucah Tawar "Badan" Sebagai Ganti Rugi Kekejaman Jepun

Pelakon lucah yang memiliki ijazah kedoktoran dalam bidang Sino- sejarah Jepun menawarkan seks kepada penuntut China di Jepun sebagai tanda memohon maaf atas pencerobohan Jepun terhadap China sewaktu perang dunia yang lalu.

Raunchy Anri Suzuki berasa kurang senang tentang perkara yang telah dilakukan oleh askar negaranya pada tahun 1937, dan atas sebab itu dia menawarkan sesuatu yang mampu dilakukannya untuk menebus kesalahan tersebut.

Duniacacamarba. Jika benarlah begitu, sudah pasti berbaris pelajar China menuntut "ganti rugi" yang ditawarkan oleh pelakon lucah ini.

Saya petik:

Porn star offers her body as compensation for war crimes

A Japanese porn star with a doctorate in Sino-Japanese history is offering to have sex with Chinese students - to apologise for her country's invasion of China.

Raunchy Anri Suzuki feels so bad about what her countrymen did in 1937 that she is offering to make up for it in the only way she knows how.

The sexy 24-year-old, from Tokyo, has made the naughty offer to Chinese students in her homeland after studying the Japanese invasion.

She said: "We have to respect the lessons of history and although we cannot obliterate it we can try and make recompense.

"I want to cure the wounds of China with my body, and I offer to do this by having sex with Chinese students in Japan.

"I think it would be a symbolic compensation for them."

Sumber: The Sun, UK


4 ulasan:

  1. kepala otak pelacur...kena dah la tu! macam juga kepala otak taik JUDI!!!...ada paham ka machaaa...???

  2. Tanpa Nama18/6/10 1:33 PG

    hehe...msia pon truk kne bantai nga jepun dluh..xnk offer ke student msia jugak ke

  3. eventhough it is wrong for Japan to atk china
    but that is long time allready
    this is really nonsense and stupid
    she actually want to fullfil her disire or to say sry to china zctually
    i think that is just an excuse

  4. kena penyakit aids baru tau...


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